This Last
Month Month Title Publisher
1 * Command & Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun Electronic Arts
2 5 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Gold Edition Red Storm Entertainment
3 2 MP Roller Coaster Tycoon Hasbro Interactive
4 3 Starcraft Havas Interactive
5 1 Half-Life Havas Interactive
6 4 Sim City 3000 Electronic Arts
7 7 Need For Speed 3 Electronic Arts
8 10 Monopoly Game Hasbro Interactive
9 13 Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2 Activision
10 * Star Trek: Starfleet Command Interplay
11 * Microsoft Flight Simulator Microsoft
12 11 Baldur's Gate Interplay
13 * Darkstone Gathering of Developers
14 * Hoyle Casino 99 Havas Interactive
15 * System Shock 2 Electronic Arts
16 9 MP Mechwarrior III Hasbro Interactive
17 15 Need For Speed: High Stakes Electronic Arts
18 8 Star Wars Episode I: Phantom Menace LucasArts
19 6 Total Annihilation: Kingdoms GT Interactive
20 * Scrabble Hasbro Interactive
Game Software for the Mac
This Last
Month Month Title Publisher
1 * Monopoly Game Hasbro Interactive
2 4 Fun Pack GT Interactive
3 1 Starcraft Havas Interactive
4 5 Age Of Empires For Mac GT Interactive
5 2 Star Wars Rebel Assault LucasArts
6 6 Entertainment Pack Havas Interactive
7 7 Unreal GT Interactive
8 3 Quake II Activision
9 * Ultimate Action Game Pack Bungie
10 10 Civilization 2 Gold GT Interactive
* Title not on last month's chart.
Source: PC Data. List is based on units sold by forty-two retail chains, representing more than 80% of the U.S. market.