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reading software
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Reading Success Test is an easy to use multimedia program that assesses, through a series of directed tests, a child’s mastery of the fundamentals required for reading success. It is not only imperative to expose the developing student to the skills needed to become a successful reader, it is also valuable to evaluate his or her progress on a regular basis. This crucial measurement is, most often, conducted in the classroom setting -- through oral participation, homework assignments and review tests, in annual standardized tests administered by the schools, and at home -- through parental observation. Reading Success Test can help in this latter evaluation. In addition to administering tests that appraise a variety of critical reading skills, it helps parents interpret the results in a meaningful way, share test results with their children, and decide if further testing and/or intervention are called for. The program’s main screen features an animated desert island filled with tropical delights. Clicking on certain objects initiates test sessions. In addition to the series of tests, the program includes kid-friendly word puzzles and games to keep children interested and help them relax between tests.
The tests themselves measure such necessary basics as oral language skills, visual recognition, listening comprehension, letter sound identification, vocabulary, word attack strategies (does the child know his or her contractions, verb tenses and compound word meanings?), silent reading comprehension, spelling, and capitalization and punctuation. Users are introduced to a particular test by the program’s friendly monkey host, and led through an introductory problem to ascertain whether the directions have been understood. At any time the child can choose to stop the test, and return for later completion. Parent’s can view results on virtual index cards displaying an overview for each test, the child’s performance (including the number of correct and incorrect answers and level of skill mastery), a written analysis of the skill and what it means to the child’s overall reading success, and a graph tracking the child’s progress in subsequent test trials.
An error message initially prompts users to set screen resolution at 640 x 480 for optimal quality, but our users with settings at 800 x 600 commented that the quality seemed fine.
PC: Windows 3.1 or higher, 486DX or faster cpu, 5 MB free hard drive space, 8 MB RAM, 640x480 256-color display, Double-speed or faster CD-ROM, A sound cardreturn to top of page Questions or comments regarding this site? Copyright © 1998-2024 Knowledge Share LLC. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy |