
Each day, SuperKids presents a famous quote selected from literature or history. Use them as discussion starters, to reinforce concepts, or to help bring history to life.

Classic Quotes

Brain Food - creativity prompts

Famous quotations are more than just clever lines from individuals we recognize and admire. They have been chronicled since the beginning of the written language, and have served to amuse, astonish and guide their readers throughout the ages. But what are the benefits of exposing ourselves and our children to these linguistic relics?

Language is a fluid, ever-changing medium. At one time, many of the sayings and proverbs that are currently considered classics were a part of everyday conversation. Now they have faded, diminished in popularity and use. Many children don’t even recognize sayings that were second nature to generations past. Exposure is the only way to preserve these valuable words.

Famous quotations are historical artifacts, often remembered because of their perfection in summing up a feeling or representing a particular point in time. They illustrate for children the universality and timelessness of human thought and emotion.


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