
Create your own addition math facts worksheets. Use them in the classroom for practice or timed drills, or at home! Choose from two levels of difficulty, and vertical or horizontal equation format:

  • basic addition -- This level allows the creation of worksheets containing positive whole numbers and zero. Mimimum and maximum values can be specified from 0 to 1,000.

  • advanced addition -- Offers the same capabilities as the basic level, plus optional use of negative numbers and decimals.

  • horizontal addition -- Create horizontal equations, like: 7 + 3 = __ . Optional use of negative numbers and decimals.

  • addition with more than 2 addends -- Select the number of addends and number of digits. Create problems like:
    	+ 3
    	+ 5
  • addition tables -- Create addition tables, using positive and/or negative integers! Make blank, partially filled in, or completed tables.


