Audience Demographic Profile: 2018
Total number of hits: 15.6 millionTotal number of page views: 8.7 million
Total number of visitors: .93 million
55% female
86% married
Age Distribution - 88% between 30 and 50:
- 20-29 at 5%
- 30-39 at 59%
- 40-49 at 29%
- 50-59 at 5%
Highest education completed - 71% bachelors degree or higher:
- PhD at 6%
- Masters degree at 19%
- Bachelors degree at 46%
Income distribution - 59% over $50,000:
- >$125k at 5%
- $100 - 124,999k at 6%
- $ 75 - 99,999k at 12%
- $ 50 - 74,999k at 36%
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