1. Review the words in a table
2. Click (memorize) in either column to begin
♦ Guess the answer in your head
♦ Click the buttons and follow the directions at the bottom of the table
♦ Or click on matching mode at the bottom of a table, after clicking on (memorize)
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
recluse | secluded; solitary |
stealth | secret, furtive, or artfully sly behavior |
occult | secret; esoteric |
specious | seeming reasonable but incorrect |
sophistry | deliberately invalid, seemingly plausible argument to deceive |
eclectic | drawn from various systems, doctrines, or sources |
narcissism | self-love |
complacent | self-satisfied or smug |
divergence | separating, or branching off |
toady | servile flatterer; a "yes" man |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
exemplary | serving as a model or example |
ensconced | settle in; hide; conceal |
ossify | settle or fix rigidly |
ignominious | shameful; dishonorable; disgraceful |
effrontery | shameless boldness; impudence; temerity |
amorphous | shapeless; formless |
acerbic | sharp, bitter, or harsh in temper and language |
univocal | sharply defined sense or nature; unambiguous |
incisive | sharply expressive |
gossamer | sheer like cobwebs |
Memorize both together
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
abridge | shorten; to reduce in scope or extent |
evinced | show clearly |
disparage | show disrespect for; belittle |
flout | show scorn or contempt |
decisive | showing determination or firmness |
exuberance | showing high spirits |
acute | sharp; intense; of critical importance |
wither | shrivel; wilt |
eschew | shun |
preclude | shut out; prevent |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
occlude | close off |
winnow | sift; separate good parts from bad |
presage | sign or warning of a future event; omen |
portent | sign; omen; something that foreshadows a coming event |
symbiosis | similar relationship of mutual interdependence |
ambivalence | simultaneous conflicting feelings toward a person or thing |
stymie | situation in which one is obstructed or frustrated |
raconteur | skilled at telling stories or anecdotes |
cunning | skillful or clever |
obloquy | slander; disgrace; infamy |
Memorize both together
Memorize all (on this page)
Combines all tables on this page into one large table, and begins the memorization process: